Thursday, April 29, 2010



For many years people in New Jersey have referred to licenses as either “C” or Broad “C” liquor licenses. The fact is, liquor licenses types are currently identified by an identification number that is issued by the State. It consists of a 12-digit number divided into a 4 groups. A sample license number would look like this: 1406-33-001-001. The first 4 numbers denote the county and the town, the second two numbers denote the license type, the third group is for the town’s use and the last group denotes how many times the license has been transferred.

The second group of numbers which denotes the type of license can fall into any of the nine following types:

31 – ClubSell any alcoholic beverage but only for immediate consumption on the licenses premises and only to bona fide members and their guests.

32Plenary Retail Consumption License with Broad Package Privileges

Sell any alcoholic beverages for consumption on the licensed premises by the glass or other open receptacle and also to sell any alcoholic beverages in original containers for consumption off the licenses premises. You can have both a restaurant and a package store with the same license. FORMERLY BROAD “C”

33Plenary Retail Consumption LicenseSell any alcoholic beverages for consumption on the licensed premises by the glass or other open receptacle and also to sell any alcoholic beverages in original containers for consumption off the licensed premises. Restaurant is permitted but not a package store with displays. FORMERLY A “C”

36 - Plenary Retail Consumption License (Hotel/Motel Exception) Same as “33” with the exception of the issue to a Hotel/Motel of 50 to 100 or more rooms only.

37 - Plenary Retail Consumption This license is issued to a non-profit Musical or Theatre Corporation Pursuant to the Provision of the N.J.S.A.

34Seasonal Retail Consumption ( May 1 through November 14) – Same as a “33” but only for Summer season.

35 - Seasonal Retail Consumption License ( Nov. 15 to April 30) – Same as “33” but only for Winter season

43 - Limited Retail Distribution LicenseSell any unchilled, brewed, malt alcoholic beverage in quantities of not less that seventy-two fluid ounces for consumption off the licensed premises; but only in original containers.

44 - Retail Distribution LicenseSell any alcoholic beverage for consumption off the licensed premises, but only in original containers. Liquor Store


Anonymous said...

awesome breakdown info

Compulsive Winner said...

Having some difficulty understanding License 33. What do "displays" mean? Can I have isles that do NOT contain alcoholic beverages but other retail products with alcohol on outside walls? Is there somewhere I can get SPECIFIC and detailed information about this type of license and what I can and cannot do?